
Future of B2B Payments

Mohammed Ridwan
Mohammed Ridwan
October 18, 2023
5 min
Future of B2B Payments

Key Takeaways


In this blog post, we will dive into a discussion between two individuals about the future of financial services and the opportunities and challenges in the SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) segment. The speakers discuss the impact of technology on businesses, the need for innovation in business payments, and the changing landscape of entrepreneurship. Let's explore the key themes discussed in this conversation.

The Impact of Technology on Businesses

The conversation begins by highlighting the significant focus on consumer-centric technology companies in recent years. Companies like Uber and Instacart have revolutionized the way individuals access services and products. However, the speakers note that there has been a lack of focus on technology solutions for businesses. This is starting to change, with a surge in B2B marketplaces and business planning tools emerging.

The Evolution of the SME Segment

The speakers acknowledge that the SME segment has traditionally been overlooked due to various obstacles and challenges. However, they discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for digital transformation in businesses. They mention that 56% of SMEs have pivoted or shifted their business models towards digital channels. This shift has opened up new opportunities for technology companies to cater to the evolving needs of SMEs.

Pain Points in Business Payments

One of the pain points discussed is the inefficiency and frustration associated with business payments. The speakers highlight the challenges faced by businesses when making and receiving payments. They mention the difficulties of distributing petty cash to employees, the reliance on personal cards for business expenses, and the cumbersome process of entering vendor details in banking portals. These challenges result in cash leakages, accounting nightmares, and inefficiencies.

The Opportunity for Innovation in Business Payments

The speakers emphasize the need for innovation in business payments. They discuss the potential for technology solutions to address the pain points faced by businesses. By streamlining payment processes, reducing fraud, and improving efficiency, businesses can save time and money. The speakers believe that there is a significant opportunity to disrupt the traditional business payments landscape and provide better solutions for businesses of all sizes.

The Changing Landscape of Entrepreneurship

The conversation concludes with a discussion on the changing landscape of entrepreneurship. The speakers predict that businesses will continue to shrink in size as more functions become automated. However, they also anticipate the emergence of a new breed of entrepreneurs who will serve multiple businesses through their own ventures. This shift towards self-employment and the gig economy is expected to create new opportunities and challenges for both entrepreneurs and businesses.


In conclusion, the discussion highlights the need for technology solutions in the SME segment and the opportunities for innovation in business payments. The speakers emphasize the importance of addressing the pain points faced by businesses and predict a future where entrepreneurship takes on a new form. As the business landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for businesses and entrepreneurs to adapt and leverage technology to stay competitive. If you're interested in learning more about the future of financial services and how technology can transform your business payments, we invite you to explore the solutions offered by Holly Wally, the world's first wallet-as-a-service platform. Visit Holly Wally's website to find out how they can help you build your mobile wallets, increase revenue, and reduce time to market. Remember, the future is full of opportunities, and embracing innovation is the key to success in the ever-changing business landscape.

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