Corporate Card

How Corporate Fleet Cards Help Modern Transport & Logistic Businesses

Experience easy expense management with Pluto's corporate fleet cards.
Mohammed Ridwan
Mohammed Ridwan
January 30, 2024
5 min
How Corporate Fleet Cards Help Modern Transport & Logistic Businesses

Key Takeaways

  • Switching from petty cash to Pluto corporate fleet cards enhances control and transparency in managing vehicle-related expenses, providing real-time visibility and advanced budgeting features.
  • Pluto fleet cards offer unrestricted access, driver-friendly controls, and up to 2% cashback on transactions, ensuring operational flexibility and cost savings without the limitations of traditional fuel cards.
  • Pluto’s all-in-one spend management platform simplifies financial operations by combining corporate purchase and fleet card functionalities, eliminating the need for separate investments and improving overall efficiency.
  • Companies use petty cash for managing driver and transport expenses, including maintenance, repairs, and small purchases, by allocating a small amount of physical cash to drivers. Drivers submit receipts for reconciliation, and they manually track these small transactions. 

    However, tracking numerous trivial transactions becomes time-consuming, and discrepancies emerge during reconciliation. There's always a risk of misuse or theft, demanding strict security measures. Moreover, negotiating favorable terms with vendors for minor, recurring transactions becomes challenging. They must carefully budget and maintain a sufficient petty cash fund, which strains their overall cash flow.

    Overall, the manual process raises efficiency concerns, necessitating a balance between control and practicality in managing day-to-day vehicle-related expenses.

    A better alternative to petty cash is a fleet card. 

    This post will explore corporate fleet cards, their benefits for transport and logistics, and strategies to overcome potential fuel card challenges for improved spend management.

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    What Is Meant by Fleet Card?

    A fleet card, also known as a fuel or gas card, is a specialized payment card used by businesses to cover expenses related to their vehicle fleets. It is issued by fuel companies or financial institutions specifically for fuel purchases, maintenance, and other vehicle-related expenses.

    What Can Fleet Cards Be Used For?

    The fleet cards are primarily used for fuel purchases, maintenance, and repairs. They facilitate seamless payments for routine servicing, tolls and parking fees, and purchasing vehicle-related products.

    You get cards with custom spending limits and advanced controls, such as real-time transaction monitoring mechanisms, category-specific restrictions, and automated alerts for enhanced security and streamlined expense management.

    Drivers purchase fuel, maintenance, and other vehicle-related expenses at authorized locations with the cards, and you enjoy complete visibility on a centralized dashboard for each transaction.

    What Are the Benefits of a Corporate Fleet Card?

    Switching from manual petty cash management to a fleet card yields the following benefits:

    • Simplifies payment processes by reducing the complexity of cash handling

    • Improves tracking and monitoring of all vehicle-related expenses

    • Minimizes the risk of theft or misuse, providing enhanced security measures

    • Automates the expense management and reconciliation process, eliminating manual record-keeping and ensuring accuracy with reduced likelihood of errors

    • Promotes compliance by enabling you to set controls and restrictions on card usage according to company policies

    • Enhances budgeting by providing detailed reports and insights into the spending patterns for a structured and controlled approach to managing vehicle-related costs

    • Streamlines transactions with vendors, offering an efficient payment method for small, frequent transactions

    Should I Use a Fuel Card or a Credit Card?

    Fuel cards and credit cards share similarities in providing a convenient payment method for expenses. Both can be used at gas stations and offer detailed transaction records for monitoring expenditures. Moreover, both cards come with features such as spending controls, reporting tools, and rewards programs.

    However, here are some differences between the two:

    • Fuel cards restrict card usage to fuel and maintenance-related purchases, providing greater control and limiting potential misuse.
    • Fuel cards come with fuel discounts or rewards programs at specific gas stations, providing potential cost savings that credit cards do not generally offer.
    • While credit cards provide transaction records, fuel cards offer more detailed reporting on vehicle-related expenses like fuel consumption, maintenance costs, and odometer tracking.
    • Fleet cards partner with fuel providers, service centers, and other vendors, allowing businesses to negotiate favorable terms and discounts for bulk purchases or regular transactions. For instance, a fleet card's partnership with a fuel station yields discounted fuel prices, facilitating substantial cost savings.

    So, for transport and logistics businesses, corporate fleet cards offer specialized controls for fuel and maintenance, streamlined reporting, and potential fuel-related discounts.

    What Are the Risks of Fuel Cards?

    Fuel cards, tailored for fleet management, are designed to address the unique needs of companies in the transport and logistics sector. However, organizations face the following challenges when switching to corporate fleet fuel cards:

    1. Gas Station Availability Issues

    Fuel cards encounter challenges related to gas station availability that limit refueling options. As a result, drivers can not find suitable gas stations, leading to increased travel time and delays in delivery schedules.

    3. Location-Dependent Acceptance

    The acceptance of corporate fleet cards varies by location, leading to constraints and inconveniences for companies operating in areas where certain cards are not widely accepted.

    Drivers will encounter difficulties during interstate routes if you offer a nationwide delivery service and the fleet card is only accepted at specific gas stations or regions. It complicates expense management and hinders the company's ability to streamline fuel-related transactions.

    3. Management Complexity

    The specialized design of fuel cards introduces an administrative burden when managed separately. For instance, a company using distinct fuel cards for different vehicles finds consolidating expenses difficult, leading to increased administrative efforts and potential operational inefficiencies.

    As a result, administrators have a hard time reconciling statements, accurately tracking expenses, and ensuring compliance. This burden increases processing times and errors in financial reporting.

    4. Reward Limitations

    While crafted to suit industry needs, fuel cards encounter limitations in cashback offers. Consider a scenario where a company's preferred fuel card provides cashback benefits only at select stations, restricting potential cost savings for the entire fleet. 


    Why Should You Switch to Pluto Corporate Fleet Cards?

    Pluto fleet cards don't restrict the use of cards at their discretion. Instead, they facilitate advanced controls and real-time visibility. From issuing budgeted fuel cards to creating vendor-specific cards, you can set rules that align with your company's needs and policies. Then, with each transaction, you track all fleet expenses from a single dashboard and get real-time data without manual effort.

    Pluto's corporate fleet cards

    So, you set cards and add controls, and you are good to go! Drivers can spend them at convenient gas stations while you enjoy complete visibility and control. Each transaction appears on the dashboard and notifies drivers to upload the receipt directly from WhatsApp. Once uploaded, you can approve the expense, and the data syncs with your accounting software to help you close your books ten times faster.

    Here are the top six benefits of switching to Pluto corporate fleet cards:

    1. Unrestricted Access Anywhere

    Unlike traditional restrictions, Pluto corporate fleet cards liberate your drivers. There are no limitations on locations or specific fuel stations. Enjoy the convenience of using cards at the most budget-friendly and strategically located gas stations, repair shops, or truck stops that welcome Mastercard.

    2. Easy Cashback

    Pluto corporate fleet cards make cashback benefits straightforward. With up to 2% unlimited cashback on over 100+ currency spends, enjoy seamless cost savings without intricate conditions or restrictions.

    3. Smart Budgeting

    Smart budgeting with corporate fleet cards

    Pluto fleet cards, functioning as debit cards, provide smart budgeting without blocking cash flow. Drivers can request limit increases in seconds, ensuring operational flexibility with swift approvals. This distinctive feature sets Pluto apart, seamlessly blending budget management and uninterrupted cash flow for efficient fleet operations.

    4. Driver-Friendly Controls

    Provide drivers with budgeted fuel cards and set spending rules. Real-time data and advanced controls give you complete transparency of fleet expenses, enabling strategic decision-making.

    5. Grow With Ease

    Whether you have hundreds or thousands of drivers, the streamlined process of issuing corporate fleet cards and setting controls remains hassle-free, supporting your scalability with ease.

    6. Eliminate Fraud

    Eliminate fraud using Pluto corporate fleet cards

    Lock or freeze cards instantly from the Pluto app, ensuring proactive measures against fraud. Enable company policies to ensure in-policy transactions, eliminating the risk of unauthorized spending.

    Enhance End-to-End Spend Management

    Pluto eliminates the need for separate investments in corporate fleet cards, offering an all-in-one spend management solution. 

    Pluto's comprehensive platform facilitates both corporate purchase cards and fleet cards, streamlining your financial operations. Enjoy the same benefits as traditional corporate fleet cards but with enhanced functionality, all within a unified platform. With Pluto, you get unparalleled efficiency in managing corporate expenses, ensuring a seamless and integrated approach to financial control. 

    Transform your spend management today. Book a demo and discover how Pluto can optimize your financial processes and elevate your business operations.

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